10 Most Beautiful Chickens In The World

10 of the most beautiful chickens in the world. For copyright matters, contact us directly at: officialzonea@gmail.com Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/1nFP2OT Share on Facebook ► https://bit.ly/32A2R8Q Tweet this ► https://bit.ly/2vsvqbZ The chicken is a type of domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the red junglefowl. Domestication of the chicken dates back to at least 2000 B.C. and their ancestry can be traced back to four species of wild jungle fowl from Southeast Asia. However, the Red jungle fowl is the most commonly found wild species in the world today and is considered the main ancestor of the domestic chicken. The sport of cockfighting had tremendous influence not only in the domestication of the chicken but also on the distribution of fowl throughout the world. After centuries of selection and breeding for numerous extremes, chickens now exist in many colors, sizes and shapes. For that reason, watch this video as we are counting down the 10 of the most beautiful chickens in the world. These pretty / fancy / ornamental chickens / chicken / rooster / roosters / bantam / bantams / fowl / fowls / birds / bird chickens / chicken / roosters / rooster / hen / hens are including sebright chicken, sundheimer chicken, serama, onagadori, phoenix chicken, sumatra chicken, grey junglefowl, sri lankan junglefowl, booted bantams / bantam chicken, and green java junglefowl. Credits: https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=AHYUvdkmLgI YouTube: friends pet world https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=HqdvHiiMuro YouTube: Marvel Pets Farm Alleppey, Kerala https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=OdMDef85Ork YouTube: Khan Fancy Hens Farm Mardan https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=mOnwmAH8Chc YouTube: Gutejando https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=pDkCb0oguuM YouTube: tim kaem https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=-2roo49hAdA YouTube: tim kaem https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=Z-dTKQQEHTU YouTube: HenDaisy https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=gSh5ZQeWx1U YouTube: ODG GOSPODINACKA https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=_Pix1At60y0 YouTube: دجاج سابل بوت من أجمل أنواع الدواجن ويمتاز بحجمه الصغير وألوانه الجميلة. https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=CaKfJVfnO3w YouTube: bootedsofmonmouth https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=APkS3xzE1Sk YouTube: Rahat Basit https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=-cPWXTYxUO4 YouTube: ONAGADORI NANCY https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=R461BYu1ZdM YouTube: Budi Hartono https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=ANa_Ut0ogxk YouTube: ONAGADORI NANCY https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=ARLCecs-EeU YouTube: nancy uzura https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=_v6P-B5N09s YouTube: Granja Mascarenhas https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=UXPkxhSmjU8 YouTube: TKV Channel https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=fuqnveNiFtA YouTube: Ford Occena https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=NmeC5RCbRyw YouTube: Miniature Chicken Channel https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=Ap3KxsI_oWY YouTube: Serama dairy by Anne & Lars https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=mFDQzc3UjIM YouTube: Rob Garren https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=cjoQqJg_QSg YouTube: Ravi Meghani https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=mXQQkeHwqcs YouTube: Vijay Cavale https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=AKZDshzQYuM YouTube: Akshay Khare https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=UeKcyL4FcK8 YouTube: David Le https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=1eXtq0gF64c YouTube: Phooj Vaj https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=EjWkQqSUs4Q YouTube: 샤크 https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=HQ-75R3S6tI YouTube: Phooj Vaj https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=qmI6Nw2TcQg YouTube: Phooj Vaj https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=qjrK-cvMe_U YouTube: Birding Tours in Bali https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=P4ey0RfnK_w YouTube: Red jungle fowl https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=ZPDgL-44JUk YouTube: Red jungle fowl https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=FV5nkS1Kio0 YouTube: Sam Birder https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=f5xrSI8AXxk YouTube: Shrikant Kelkar https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=okCPDDD3vOs YouTube: Anand Patel https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=h4IBMDJzeVE YouTube: Prasad Ruwanpathirana https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=KmEwi7EsqUQ YouTube: WildsidePhotography https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=_xARn4GER-E YouTube: Naturally Yours https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=eIAyqslPmf0 YouTube: Ayam hutan sumatera https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=6GqG0omwZcM YouTube: FOX MEDIA https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=efqjAggQ52k YouTube: Farma Skydra https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=Ll4fAp8vzm0 YouTube: GreenLight Stock Footage https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=8dMftORpIrs YouTube: CyberWebFX Music: Street Of Shanghai by Christophe Goze Thank you for watching. Don't forget to comment, rate, and share this video. Subscribe for more videos from ZoneA.

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